What Makes A Great Consultant? Chris Poteet, April 4, 2013 I was pondering this one day, and I decided to ask the question on Twitter. Twitter Friends: What one skill separates good IT consultants from bad ones? — Chris Poteet (@chrispoteetpro) January 3, 2013 I got some good responses. @chrispoteetpro Fantastic communication skills and the ability to quickly understand the (business) need, the true outcome/goal. — Sherman Woo (@SPSherm) January 3, 2013 @chrispoteetpro communication or social skills! — Marrell Sanders (@TechRevMarrell) January 3, 2013 https://twitter.com/GloverKen/status/286922016475447297 @stacyDraper @chrispoteetpro How about just 'not being a salesman'. Goes along with the 'frankness' thing. Do what needs to be done. — Jim's Limbs (@jimmywim) January 3, 2013 @chrispoteetpro I say it's a terrible question. that being said, I guess I'd have to go with frankness. — Stacy Draper (@stacyDraper) January 3, 2013 @mikegil @chrispoteetpro Applied curiousity –the ability to ask keenly insightful, engaging and stimulating questions — Nancy Settle-Murphy (@nsettlemurphy) January 3, 2013 I’m interested what my other readers/subscribers think about this important question? If you asked me, I would say the answer lies in communication because as Marrell Sanders says: “a highly skilled jerk is still a jerk.” Related Posts SharePoint consulting