What Makes A Great Consultant? Chris Poteet, April 4, 2013 I was pondering this one day, and I decided to ask the question on Twitter. Twitter Friends: What one skill separates good IT consultants from bad ones? — Chris Poteet (@chrispoteetpro) January 3, 2013 I got some good responses. @chrispoteetpro Fantastic communication skills and the ability to quickly understand the… Continue Reading
SharePoint iOS Showdown: Colligo vs harmon.ie Chris Poteet, June 4, 2012March 26, 2014 I was recently provided with full versions of both Colligo’s Briefcase iPad app and harmon.ie’s universal iOS app. I thought that instead of writing separate reviews for both that I would go over the good and bad from each to contrast. I think both of these are the two best… Continue Reading
What if Apple Designed SharePoint? Chris Poteet, February 3, 2012 Before I get started on this post, I need to be honest with two important points. First, I realize that Apple would most likely never desire to create a product like SharePoint. Apple is primarily a consumer electronics company and not as concerned with the corporate world. Secondly, I’m thoroughly an… Continue Reading