Social Media in the Enterprise Is a Farce Chris Poteet, July 9, 2010July 9, 2010 As platforms such as SharePoint continue to beef up their social media offering the more I am left shaking my head. I don’t think aspiring to have social media work in an enterprise is a bad aspiration, but in the ends it’s a fool’s errand. Here are a few reasons why… Continue Reading
Barriers to SharePoint Adoption Chris Poteet, May 26, 2009 In my short time as a SharePoint consultant I’ve come across three major barriers to implementing the solution. Mind you, this isn’t only relegated SharePoint but any tool, system, or process implemented in the enterprise. While each of them could vary in degree they all exist in some form of… Continue Reading
The Folder-Less SharePoint Paradigm Chris Poteet, March 9, 2009June 3, 2014 When someone first shows me how they’re using SharePoint I look for a sure sign whether they understand and have implemented the SharePoint paradigm to document management—I look for a folder. Granted using an occasional folder here and there is not the end of the world and doesn’t prove someone… Continue Reading