What if Apple Designed SharePoint? Chris Poteet, February 3, 2012 Before I get started on this post, I need to be honest with two important points. First, I realize that Apple would most likely never desire to create a product like SharePoint. Apple is primarily a consumer electronics company and not as concerned with the corporate world. Secondly, I’m thoroughly an… Continue Reading
Apple Becoming A Viable Enterprise Solution Chris Poteet, June 9, 2009June 9, 2009 Fresh on the heels of yesterday’s keynote at the Worldwide Developer Conference Apple showcased their new support of Microsoft Exchange 2007 in the productivity apps (Mail, iCal, Address Book) for their forthcoming OS release Snow Leopard. Apple, not Microsoft, is the only operating system to offer free Exchange support (in… Continue Reading
A Beautiful Union: SharePoint and VMware Fusion Chris Poteet, February 10, 2009February 21, 2009 There aren’t many software applications that truly revolutionize the way I do business and pleasure for that matter—that is, until VMware Fusion came along. Never could I have imagined that virtualization could be this easy and enjoyable at the same time, and it has made my work on SharePoint easier… Continue Reading