Introducing Archetype: Starter UI Files for SharePoint and HTML5 Chris Poteet, August 14, 2014 There are many amazing resources to jumpstart your development efforts such as HTML5 Boilerplate and Fireshell. While they are all great, often times we find ourselves changing certain elements to our preferences and style. That is what I have done with Archetype. Archetype is a collection of starter UI files for a vanilla HTML5 application as well as SharePoint 2013. It includes the following: Starter HTML SASS partials Starter jQuery initialization file Initial folder structure The SharePoint version of Archetype also includes the following: A starter publishing master page built on Randy Drisgill’s work An initial page layout demonstrating the functionality of layouts The SASS partials are contextualized to the needs of SharePoint I am continually updating these files, and I include more documentation on Github specifically for the SharePoint version. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Archetype for HTML5 Archetype for SharePoint Related Posts Development SharePoint User Interface githubmaster pagepage layoutsassstarter